Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Jennifer Wilbanks Award

Someone recently made the following post in a Father's rights e-mail group:

Last night I listened as they played on Hannity & Colmes the taped conversation of Jennifer Wilbanks and her fiancee when she made her first call from that public telephone in New Mexico and also the subsequent telephone conversation from the New Mexico police station between her and the Georgia police chief.

Her distraught manner, disorientation, intermittent crying/whimpering as she told of the fictitious Hispanic man and Caucasian women who abducted her, her description of the van etc. was all so believable. I kept thinking that if we didn't already know it was all a complete lie there would be no way we would doubt it.

Then I thought of how many times a woman has made a call to 911 claiming to have been attacked by her husband or boyfriend (when in reality she attacked him- which is why she is disheveled and perhaps reddened or even bruised when the police show up) faking every bit as believably as Jennifer Wilbanks. How many times the police have shown up to encounter a woman exhibiting the same realistic hysteria, disorientation and false tears. How many times a woman has stood before a judge perpetrating the same emotional ruse. And how many times, as a result, a man has had his life ruined, his children's lives turned upside down and unalterably changed- he denied the fundamental human experience of loving and nurturing his children and they their inherent right and need to be loved and nurtured by their father.

And so I thought we should coin a new syndrome and call it the Jennifer Wilbanks Syndrome. Everyone would easily understand the concept and because of the high publicity of her case [they would] quickly recognize that it is a reality [that women often make false accusations] rather than some illusionary claim made up by "a bunch of disgruntled men who want to deny their abuse" as the radical anti-male feminists describe all of us who refuse to buy into their fascist dogma.

So I encourage people to actively and regularly start using the phrase in relation to the widespread phenomena of false allegations.
Yes, many women suddenly suffer from the Jennifer Wilbanks Syndrome when it provides an excuse for inexcusable behavior, gives them a hand up in a divorce dispute, or simply gets a husband permanently out of a house he worked hard to provide.

Another person in the group responded that a Jennifer Wilbanks Award should be given annually to the best example of the fraudulent use of domestic violence laws and family court for her own personal gain.


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