Sunday, October 23, 2005

And you thought we had all the Wacko Rad-Fems here! NOT!!!!

Rip from a UK paper.

SPARE a thought for Swedish feminists whose newly formed party is disintegrating after hardliners presented a manifesto advocating a “man tax”, the abolition of marriage and the creation of “gender-neutral” names.

The party called also for the creation of more “gender-neutral” names such as “Robin” or “Norva” that could apply to a boy or a girl.

Rosenberg resigned from the governing board after complaining of an “anti-feminist backlash” and insulting personal attacks in the Swedish media, where she was ridiculed as part of the “lunatic left”.

Maybe because she is?????

Gudrun Schyman, another founding member of the party, came to her defence last week. “The reason for this campaign against her is that she’s a lesbian,” she said. “The attacks against her are homophobic.”

Yes, Indeed, if you can't assign any other reason, like she is a nutcase, blame it on being gay.

Going on,

She advocates what she calls a “man tax to cover the cost of violence against women in the home”. In a recent television documentary called The Gender War, she proclaimed: “Men are animals.”

The documentary noted that the shelter had printed excerpts of an extremist American feminist manifesto called Scum, which stands for the Society for Cutting Up Men. In it, women are urged to “destroy the male sex” and seize the chance made possible by science of giving birth only to females.

Well, at least men wouldn't have to be around to put up with this sheyt.

The Geezer


Blogger Iguana said...

But, if they destroy the male sex (wait, I thought it was "gender"), who would pay the taxes?

10/24/2005 07:43:00 PM  
Blogger Tom Swanson said...

Eventually they'll deplete the world's sperm banks. . . thank god!

10/25/2005 12:18:00 PM  

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